Monday, January 26, 2009

Being Human series premieres in UK

Remember my excited post from last year about the excellent pilot episode for UK drama/genre series Being Human, about the tribulations of a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost sharing a house together in Bristol? Well, episode one of the new series commissioned by the Beeb powers that be (partially recast due to scheduling issues) premiered in the UK on Sunday night.

Ladies and gentlemen, start your torrents!


Mel said...

I don't care for the guy playing the vampire - the pilot dude was much better.

But still - excellent news!

anthony said...

nice. very very dark, very funny. I look forward to seeing where they go with it.

And I'm liking their music choices.

Dan Donahoo said...

Mr. Watts - thank-you for alerting me to this...the pilot was most awesome. i agree the re-casting has been a little awkward. I did form an attachment to the original cast after just one episode - but - the writing is quite stellar I think.

Ah, some viewing to look forward too - with so much great content out there - what they serve us on commercial TV is unacceptable.

richardwatts said...

Having watched the first ep twice now, I think the new Mitchell will grow on me. I miss the original cast too - especially the homoerotic interplay between Mitchell and George, and the original Annie's accent - but the series seems already to have more depth to it than the pilot. I look forward to seeing where it goes!